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Horoscope for Conflict Resolution: May 2024

The resulting Hexagram for the Month of May 2024 was Number 60, which is known as Limitation. It’s a type of Iconic Chinese Language that is used as an Oracle. To give you an idea of how you can take advantage of their advice, I leave you the post below Purchase a subscription to receive…

“Time will tell on their power minds. Making war just for fun. Treating people just like pawns in chess. Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!”

“Now in darkness, world stops turning. Ashes where their bodies burning. No more war pigs have the power. Hand of God has struck the hour.”

“Day of judgement, God is calling. On their knees, the war pigs crawling. Begging mercy for their sins. Satan laughing, spreads his wings. Oh lord, yeah!”

Hello again. Welcome to the Guide with Tips to Improve and Resolve Life Situations!

In this section of the Blog, we are dedicated to showing you information on a monthly basis, with practical and motivating suggestions that help you solve situations that may be causing you distress.

Here we focus on analyzing the Iconic Language, shown in different strategies that are used as Divination Tools in various cultures around the world.

The reason why they’re so effective lies in the fact that they serve to connect us with the Collective Unconscious, which was defined by Jung as:

“That which is beyond the consciousness of human beings, but at the same time is common to their experience.”

In this occasion, May of 2024, you can focus on the I Ching or Book of Changes. If you don’t know what it is about, I’ll tell you that it’s a Chinese oracular book whose first writings are believed to date back to 1200 BC. approximately.

When you analyze it at a Literary Level, you will find that it is one of the Five Confucian Classics. However, its content is based on Taoist beliefs.

It is generally used to describe and interpret the events of its consultants. At the same time, its Metaphorical Language allows us to find the answers on how the future can be resolved.

When you take a look at the philosophy set forth in the I Ching, you can find a Universe governed by the principle of change and the Dialectical Relationship between Opposites.

It always incorporates principles contrary to the governing sign. This aspect that will lead to a new state. Changes happen cyclically, just like the seasons of the year.

This reflects the Taoist concept of Yin and Yang.

In relation to its Cosmogony, the Book of Changes describes the Cosmos governed by the creative energy. This is considered to come from Heaven. In an antagonistic way, the Earth is the recipient and fertilizer of that primary energy.

The I Ching is based on a Moral Philosophy that is inspired by nature and the ways in which it proceeds, which is why its figures find correlation in political life.

They behave as Metaphors of Appropriate Behavior so that they can be adapted to each particular situation.

It is presented as a binary, geometric and arithmetic number system. Solid Lines symbolize odd numbers, while Broken Lines symbolize even numbers.

It is shown in Hexagrams, whose lines are built from the bottom up. It is just the opposite of later Chinese writing, which is constructed from top to bottom.

The Book of Mutations, as it is also known, is an ancient treatise on Universal Laws, which indicates the natural direction or the least resistance to change presented by the situation in which you find yourself.

It gives you the possibility of unmasking the contradictions that hide behind appearances. This allows you to understand the changes that occur in your life.

The I Ching indicates the structure of ideas represented in its different Symbols and Hexagrams, which are linked to the relationships established between them.

It has great value for Mental Health, since by previously recognizing the possible consequences of a certain idea, word, fact or attitude, you could believe that you’re predicting the future.

To be honest, it would be a simple forecast, which is born as a result of understanding the relationship that exists between events.

Once again, we are referring to the Figurative Language that you can associate with events that resemble the conflict you may currently have:

The resulting Hexagram was Number 60, which is known as Limitation. To give you an idea of how it’s shown at an Iconographic Level, I leave you the image below.

To receive the tips for this month, play the following audio. If possible, use headphones to help you Meditate.

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